πŸ“ˆ+53.64% return over 111 day uptrend

Raincheck Fund's strategy of "Long TQQQ during uptrends, and in cash during downtrends" is just one implementation of an automated trading strategy using Raincheck Fund's Market Signal.

This post examines a past uptrend for ways to achieve returns greater than those of simply buying and holding.


Th uptrend began on Nov. 2 2023 and ended on Apr. 15 2024, after 111 consecutive days of positive Market Signal values.

Exit Opportunities

The histogram below takes the closing prices for the 112 trading days from Nov. 2 2023 to Apr. 15 2024, and groups them by percentage return since trend start (in buckets of 10%) as a way to visualize how frequently profitable exit opportunities occurred.

For a TQQQ position opened after market close on the first day of the uptrend, the following exit opportunities occurred:

  • Zero days with negative return since trend start
  • 97 days (or 86.60% of the uptrend) closed having greater than +20% return since trend start
    • 31 days closed having +60% to +70% return since trend start
    • 29 days closed having +50% to +60% return since trend start
    • 16 days closed having +20% to +40% return since trend start

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